Air Conditioner Controller Installed in the mains power line at the best position to pick up office activity.
When the office is occupied the air conditioner operates as normal. When the occupant leaves, the controller will disconnect the power to the air conditioner after the pre-selected time delay has lapsed.
IAC installed in the main power line to the air conditioner facing the office occupant.
Uses Infra Red technology to sense office occupancy. (5 to 8 meter range)
Internal jumper setting to time out/shut down after last motion is detected. (5, 10, 20, 40 or 120 minutes)
Internal Programme Profile to support the lifespan of the Air Con.
Power Rated to support most residential and office-type applications for Air Con units up to 24000 BTU.
Units available in 110v and 220v AC configurations.
The controller is SABS approved and patented. (South African Bureau of Standards)
Requires a COC Installation. (Certified electrician)
It has a 1 year replacement warranty.
Suitable for consul, split and new inverter air cons.
Ideal for residents, offices and boardrooms.
Independent research shows a staggering 59% saving:
- Data sample size – 1743 IAC Units
- Test duration – 1 year (1/4/2012 to 31/3/2013)
- Testimonial available on request
Case study on a high energy efficient user:
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